Production Ready and Blazing Fast!
MoClip® is a cloud animation library that helps organize your 3D data, reduce your costs, and generate revenues. It allows to rapidly deploy custom animations from a searchable and growing library of animation clips, with direct integration into Autodesk® Maya® or Autodesk® Motionbuilder®. It's a blazing-fast way to create and remix animation content, and get ROI in royalties on your animations by making them available to the public.
MoClip allows to quickly access your private animation library or public animation library, using a specialized search engine, in addition of featuring extremely efficient non-linear animation blending tools.
With MoClip, you can:
- Start using a professional and production ready tool with very few changes to your pipeline.
- Produce astonishing results for fast prototyping, previs, cinematics and the likes.
- Cut a serious part of your character rigging and animation budget.
- Maintain a private or public animation library from your everyday work.
- Generate royalties on sales of your animations.
Go ahead! Download the free MoClip application and plug-ins, create your first characters and add your first animation clips! You can further customize the animation within Maya or MotionBuilder to perfectly match your scene. When you are ready, then purchase the final animation.
It is as simple as that!
For more information about MoClip and its benefits, keep reading by selecting one of the following options:
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