Exporting Animations

If you have a MoClip account with enabled animation upload, you will be able to upload an animation from your Maya scene to the MoClip library. As a result, your animations could be made available through the MoClip search engine, either to your account (private), or to everyone (public).

Note:     There are many benefits in exporting your animation clips. To know more, read the Community - Partner Program topic.

To export an animation clip to the MoClip library, do the following:

-     Load a Maya scene with an animated character tied up to an Ultimate Rig node.

Note:      Animation clips are currently limited to bipeds and quadrupeds.

-     Select MoClip > Export Animation To MoClip Library...

-     When prompted to export the animation data, confirm the frame range, and then click Yes.

Note:      It is recommended that the animation is facing Z-positive on the first frame of the animation. No geometry is exported along with the animation, only the position of the skeleton for each frames.

After the animation data has been computed, the following window will be displayed:

Upload MoClip Animation window

-     If you are not logged in, you will be asked to do so.

-     If you are not allowed to upload MoClip animations, the access to the MoClip server will be denied.

-     Otherwise, fill in the animation submission form and the click the Continue button.

After a few seconds, depending on the length of your animation, a confirmation page will be displayed.

The upload confirmation window

Shortly after the animation submission, the new animation clip should be accessible in MoClip for pre-approval, and then it will be acessible in the MoClip search engine.

Tip:        Pay an extra attention to the Keywords you are entering. These will allow the animation clip to be retrieved with the MoClip search engine.

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