Maya Overview

Autodesk Maya is a mainstream 3D platform used to create content from film, games, and television. The MoClip executable is distributed along with a series of Maya plug-ins which can be used to synchronize the viewports of MoClip and Maya. A proper scene setup between the two applications will allow you to receive a result animation that perfectly matches the scale and placement of your 3D scene.

Note:     At this time, MoClip is compatible with Autodesk Maya 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011, for Windows XP and Windows 7, both for 32bit and 64bit architecture. For installation procedure, refer to the Maya Installation topic.

A typical workflow would be to first load the MoClip plug-in in Maya, launch the MoClip executable, and then check the Interop checkbox.

The Interoperability checkbox

Doing so will connect the two applications together and display the MoClip scene in the Maya viewport.

MoClip in Maya

Copyright @ NeoReel MoClip